py-ephem | | Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python |
py-fftw | | Python bindings to the FFTW3 C-library |
py-fpconst | | IEEE 754 floating point special handling for Python |
py-gmpy | | Python library for arbitrary precision arithmetic |
py-infinity | | All-in-one infinity value for Python |
py-intervals | | Tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects) |
py-kiwisolver | | Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver |
py-lmfit | | Least-squares minimization with bounds and constraints |
py-mpmath | | Python library for arbitrary-precision FP arithmetic |
py-munkres | | Munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem |
py-networkx | | Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks |
py-noise | | Perlin noise for Python |
py-numarray | | Array manipulation |
py-numba | | NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM |
py-Numeric | | Adds multidimensional numeric arrays to Python |
py-numexpr | | Numerical expression evaluator for NumPy |
py-numpy | | Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects |
py-numpydoc (V) | | Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format |
py-pandas | | Python Data Analysis Library |
py-pandas-datareader | | Remote data access for pandas |
py-patsy | | Python package for describing statistical models |
py-powerlaw | | Toolbox for analysis of heavy-tailed distributions |
py-pymc3 | | Bayesian modeling and probabilistic machine learning |
py-pywavelets | | Discrete Wavelet Transforms in Python |
py-quadprog | | Solver for a strictly convex quadratic program |
py-roman | | Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python |
py-rpy | | R interface for Python |
py-Scientific | | Python modules for scientific computing |
py-Scientific-doc | | Python modules for scientific computing |
py-scikit-image | | Image processing routines for SciPy |
py-scikit-learn | | Machine learning algorithms for Python |
py-scipy | | Scientific Algorithms Library for Python |
py-scipy12 | | Scientific Algorithms Library for Python |
py-simpleeval | | Simple, safe single expression evaluator library |
py-simpy (V) | | Discrete event simulation framework |
py-statsmodels | | Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy |
py-sympy | | Python library for symbolic mathematics |
py-tables | | Database package for large amounts of data |
py-tensorboard | | Web applications for inspecting TensorFlow runs and graphs |
py-Theano | | Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions |
py-uncertainties | | Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved |
py-xarray | | N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python |
py-z3 | | Python bindings for the Z3 theorem prover / SMT solver |
py-z3solver | | Theorem prover from Microsoft Research |
qalculate | | Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (console version) |
qalculate-bases | | Utility for conversion between number bases using Qalculate |
qalculate-currency | | Utility for conversion between currencies using Qalculate |
qalculate-gtk | | Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (GNOME version) |
qalculate-units | | Utility for conversion between units using Qalculate |
qhull | | Computing the convex hull |
quadpack | | Fortran subroutines for the solution of definite univariate integrals |
R | | Statistical language for data analysis and graphics |
R-abind | | Combine multi-dimensional arrays |
R-acepack | | ACE and AVAS for selecting multiple regression transformations |
R-akima | | Interpolation of irregularly and regularly spaced data |
R-aplpack | | Functions for drawing special plots |
R-askpass (V) | | Safe password entry for R, Git, and SSH |
R-assertthat (V) | | Easy pre and post assertions |
R-backports | | Reimplementations of functions introduced since R-3.0.0 |
R-base64enc (V) | | Tools for base64 encoding |
R-bayesm (V) | | Bayesian inference for marketing/micro-econometrics |
R-bbmle | | Tools for general maximum likelihood estimation |
R-BH (V) | | Boost C++ header files |
R-bindr (V) | | Parametrized active bindings |
R-bit (V) | | Class for vectors of 1-bit booleans |
R-bit64 (V) | | S3 class for vectors of 64-bit integers |
R-bitops | | Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors |
R-blob (V) | | Simple S3 class for representing vectors of binary data ('BLOBS') |
R-brew (V) | | Templating framework for report generation |
R-Cairo (V) | | R graphics device using cairo graphics library |
R-callr (V) | | Call R from R |
R-car | | Companion to 'Applied Regression' |
R-carData | | Companion to 'Applied Regression' data sets |
R-cellranger (V) | | Translate spreadsheet cell ranges to rows and columns |
R-CGIwithR | | Facilities for the use of R to write CGI scripts |
R-checkmate (V) | | Fast and versatile argument checks |
R-chron | | Chronological objects which can handle dates and times |
R-circular | | Circular statistics |
R-classInt | | Choose univariate class intervals |
R-cli (V) | | Helpers for developing command line interfaces |
R-clim.pact | | Climate analysis and downscaling for monthly and daily data |
R-clipr (V) | | Read and write from the system clipboard |
R-clisymbols (V) | | Unicode symbols at the R prompt |
R-coda | | Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC |
R-colorspace (V) | | Toolbox for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes |
R-colourpicker (V) | | Colour picker tool for Shiny and for selecting colours in plots |
R-combinat | | Combinatorics utilities |
R-commonmark (V) | | High performance commonmark and Github Markdown rendering in R |
R-compositions | | Compositional data analysis |
R-countrycode (V) | | Convert country names and country codes |
R-crayon (V) | | Colored terminal output |
R-curl (V) | | Modern and flexible web client for R |
R-DAAG | | Data analysis and graphics data and functions |
R-data.table (V) | | Extension of 'data.frame' |
R-date | | Functions for handling dates |
R-DBI | | R database interface |
R-DEoptimR | | Differential evolution optimization in pure R |
R-desc (V) | | Manipulate DESCRIPTION files |
R-devtools (V) | | Tools to make developing R packages easier |
R-dichromat (V) | | Color schemes for dichromats |